Friday 26 March 2021 | Lots:

A late Victorian satinwood table-top Wellington chest jewellery cabinet, with six...
Estimate: £300 - £600
An unusual Regency penwork sycamore and satinwood table cabinet, early 19th century,...
Estimate: £500 - £1,000
A Regency rosewood and brass inlaid workbox, with satinwood banding, sarcophagus form,...
Estimate: £200 - £400
A pair of unusual Hepplewhite-style satinwood demi-lune miniature inlaid commodes, late...
Estimate: £400 - £600
A George III decorated and crossbanded satinwood knife urn, with ebony and boxwood line...
Estimate: £300 - £600
A pair of George III rosewood and satinwood octagonal boxes, baluster turned finial above...
Estimate: £200 - £400
A George III satinwood miniature linen press, a pair of doors with inlaid decoration,...
Estimate: £200 - £400
An unusual 18th century-style satinwood miniature table cabinet, last quarter 19th...
Estimate: £400 - £800
A George III inlaid satinwood oblong two-division tea caddy, with chamfered inlaid...
Estimate: £100 - £200
LOT 10
A Regency satinwood miniature bow-fronted chest, the four long drawers inlaid with ebony...
Estimate: £150 - £250
LOT 11
A set of George III small satinwood three-tier hanging shelves, baluster spindles holding...
Estimate: £200 - £300
LOT 12
A Mauchline ware satinwood snuff box, early 19th century, decorated with William III on...
Estimate: £50 - £100
LOT 13
A miniature satinwood coffin-shape needle box, 19th century, the sliding top with cross...
Estimate: £50 - £80
LOT 14
A satinwood games box, 19th century, ivory inlaid with bridge markers to lid, opens to...
Estimate: £50 - £150
LOT 15
A French satinwood and cut steel Ecarte box, the lid titled opening to reveal a fitted...
Estimate: £50 - £150
LOT 16
A French satinwood and cut steel Ecarte box, 19th century, the lid titled opening to...
Estimate: £50 - £150
LOT 17
A pair of satinwood banded tobacco jars, 19th century, of stave construction, the lids...
Estimate: £200 - £400
LOT 18
A George III satinwood oval inlaid two-division tea caddy, inlaid with musical trophies...
Estimate: £100 - £200
LOT 19
A Regency satinwood oblong two-division tea caddy, with lidded interior 19cm wide
Estimate: £50 - £150
LOT 20
A late Regency satin birch hexagonal pagoda tea caddy, spoon drawer to base, 26cm high...
Estimate: £150 - £250
LOT 21
A French satinwood and cut-steel decorated letter box, early 19th century, the top inlaid...
Estimate: £100 - £200
LOT 22
A French satinwood and cut-steel slope-front lidded 'Envelopes' box, 19th century,...
Estimate: £100 - £200
LOT 23
A French satinwood and cut-steel sewing necessaire, 19th century, of sarcophagus and ogee...
Estimate: £300 - £600
LOT 24
A French satinwood glove box, 19th century, banded with rosewood and cut-steel nail-head...
Estimate: £100 - £200
LOT 25
A French satinwood sarcophagus sewing necessaire, 19th century, the lid with gilt metal...
Estimate: £300 - £600
LOT 26
An inlaid sycamore oblong box, 19th century, with white metal ring handle and feet, 19cm...
Estimate: £50 - £150
LOT 27
An unusual pair of George III small satinwood obelisk spice boxes, Compasto and Fuimus,...
Estimate: £150 - £250
LOT 28
A Regency satinwood ebonised and brass strung travelling toilet box, the mother of pearl...
Estimate: £100 - £200
LOT 29
A satinwood and white metal mounted letters box, 19th century, the banded top with white...
Estimate: £150 - £250
LOT 30
An unusual George III satinwood inlaid letters box, late 18th century, with brass handled...
Estimate: £300 - £600
LOT 31
A George III satinwood travelling toilet box, by William Sharpe, Cornhill, London, the...
Estimate: £100 - £200
LOT 32
A George III satinwood oblong desk box, the ebony strung lid and body opening to reveal a...
Estimate: £100 - £200
LOT 33
A large George III satinwood oblong tea caddy, silver swing handle and mounts, Joseph...
Estimate: £100 - £200
LOT 34
A decorated sycamore face screen, 19th century, with a printed armadillo, 31cm high
Estimate: £50 - £150
LOT 35
A George III satinwood toilet box, the inlaid top opening to reveal a fitted interior of...
Estimate: £50 - £150
LOT 36
A Dutch satinwood and inlaid square tea comforter, late 18th century, boxwood banded...
Estimate: £200 - £300
LOT 37
A George III satinwood inlaid oblong two-division tea caddy, with silver loop handle,...
Estimate: £200 - £400
LOT 38
A rare George III satinwood secret door oblong box, inlaid with shells, with a pair of...
Estimate: £300 - £600
LOT 39
A George III satinwood and brass bound pistol box, the domed top and sides with brass...
Estimate: £50 - £150
LOT 40
A George III satinwood octagonal box, the sectional top with ebony stringing around...
Estimate: £50 - £150
LOT 41
A George III satinwood and banded two division tea caddy, with lidded interior, 16cm wide...
Estimate: £100 - £200
LOT 42
A George III satinwood and inlaid three-division tea caddy, the top inlaid with large...
Estimate: £100 - £200
LOT 43
A Regency satinwood sarcophagus bôite à poudre, ogee sides, interior mirror, with single...
Estimate: £50 - £150
LOT 44
A George III satinwood cube-shape tea caddy, oval inlaid canister to interior, ivory...
Estimate: £50 - £150
LOT 45
A George III miniature satinwood oval box, overall inlaid with banded edges, 8cm...
Estimate: £50 - £150
LOT 46
A satinwood floral inlaid and banded box, 19th century, the top with large inlaid section...
Estimate: £150 - £250
LOT 47
A George III satinwood two-division tea caddy, the interior lid with parquetry decoration...
Estimate: £100 - £200
LOT 48
A George III satinwood fitted toilet box, with ebony stringing, the extensively fitted...
Estimate: £200 - £400
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