Wednesday 24 March 2021 | Lots:

A carved coconut flask, possibly South American, 19th century, ornately carved overall...
Estimate: £200 - £300
A relief carved boxwood powder flask, dated 1845, depicting a huntsman carrying a rifle...
Estimate: £250 - £350
A pewter-mounted carved coconut bug bear flask, 19th century, naively depicting a winged...
Estimate: £150 - £250
A white metal mounted gourd flask, probably South American, 18th/19th century, with...
Estimate: £200 - £300
A rare English white metal mounted nut flask, possibly a vinaigrette, 16th/17th century,...
Estimate: £400 - £600
Two coquilla nut snuff flasks, late 18th/early 19th century, one with white metal mount...
Estimate: £200 - £300
A pair of Indo Portuguese ebony mermaid finials, Goa, late 17th century, each on...
Estimate: £1,500 - £2,500
A Dutch tortoiseshell quill cutter, dated 1675, with while-metal mounts, inscribed P A...
Estimate: £400 - £600
A white metal mounted cowrie shell, probably Hispanic, 18th century, with pierced scroll...
Estimate: £500 - £800
LOT 10
A collection of South American and Central American artefacts, 19th-early 20th century,...
Estimate: £300 - £400
LOT 11
Two turned wood white metal mounted mugs, 18th/19th century, one of barrel form with 's'...
Estimate: £150 - £250
LOT 12
Two South American silver tupu, 17th century, one with disc terminal the other with demi...
Estimate: £150 - £250
LOT 13
A pair of English turned lignum vitae mortars, late 17th/early 18th century, each of...
Estimate: £1,200 - £1,800
LOT 14
An English turned lignum vitae pricket candlestick, 17th century, the dished circular top...
Estimate: £400 - £600
LOT 15
An American turned treen mortar, 19th century, with moulded rim, the foot with five...
Estimate: £200 - £300
LOT 16
A pair of English turned treen goblets, c.1800, each with moulded and incised bowl above...
Estimate: £200 - £300
LOT 17
An English cedar goblet, late 18th century, the bowl raised on waisted stem and circular...
Estimate: £150 - £250
LOT 18
A brass-mounted turned treen tobacco bowl and cover, possibly Dutch East Indies, 18th...
Estimate: £300 - £500
LOT 19
A brass bowl, possibly Dutch East Indies, early 19th century, elaborately engraved...
Estimate: £200 - £300
LOT 20
An English burr treen dairy bowl, 19th century, with inverted moulded rim, 10.5cm high,...
Estimate: £200 - £300
LOT 21
A Swedish burr birch kallskål, 17th/18th century, of typical form, with bone mounts, twin...
Estimate: £300 - £500
LOT 22
An English beech press, 19th century, the screw action with knopped finial, possibly...
Estimate: £120 - £150
LOT 23
A group of treen items, 19th century, comprising: a lignum vitae dice shaker, a salt in...
Estimate: £250 - £350
LOT 24
A treen box modelled as a lemon, late 19th century, 7cm long, together with a boxwood...
Estimate: £250 - £350
LOT 25
A treen candlestick, c.1800, of baluster form, 17cm high, together with a small ebonised...
Estimate: £150 - £250
LOT 26
An English horn mounted treen snuff box, dated 1714, the cover inscribed IF YOU LOVE ME...
Estimate: £300 - £400
LOT 27
A Spanish damascened iron dish, in the manner of the Zuloaga workshop, late 19th century,...
Estimate: £300 - £500
LOT 28
A pair of Italian copper chargers, 18th/19th century, each repousse decorated and centred...
Estimate: £120 - £180
LOT 29
A large bronze bowl, 18th/19th century, of shallow form, 40cm diameter,
Estimate: £200 - £300
LOT 30
Two gold-mounted engine-turned tortoiseshell boxes, English or French, late 18th century,...
Estimate: £250 - £350
LOT 31
A group of three tortoiseshell dressing table boxes, late 19th/early 20th century,...
Estimate: £80 - £120
LOT 32
A Scottish horn snuff box, 19th century, the lid inset with a facetted paste mount, 5.5cm...
Estimate: £120 - £180
LOT 33
Three English or Scottish horn goblets, 19th century, of conical form and peg...
Estimate: £150 - £250
LOT 34
A Victorian silvered brass mounted horse hoof box, dated 1847, inscribed Kitty Died Dec...
Estimate: £200 - £300
LOT 35
Six agate handled fruit forks, 18th/19th century, each with facetted haft and baluster...
Estimate: £200 - £300
LOT 36
A French or German agate box and lid, mid 18th century, of scallop form, unmounted, 6.5cm...
Estimate: £100 - £150
LOT 37
Two Medieval lead plaques, modelled in relief, one with two birds feeding from a vessel,...
Estimate: £120 - £180
LOT 38
A group of bronze weights, three bell-shape examples, one octagonal example and two flat...
Estimate: £80 - £120
LOT 39
A horn comb, 18th/19th century, 10.2cm long, together with a wood and steel spoke shave,...
Estimate: £80 - £120
LOT 40
A Scandinavian horn powder flask, 18th century, incised overall with figures amidst...
Estimate: £250 - £350
LOT 41
A cow horn powder flask, possibly Scandinavian, 18th/19th century, inscribed with a...
Estimate: £150 - £250
LOT 42
A large horn flask, 19th century, carved in two sections with wood stopper, 34cm...
Estimate: £80 - £120
LOT 43
A Dutch brass tobacco box, 18th century, the hinged cover engraved with a female figure,...
Estimate: £150 - £250
LOT 44
Two English brass combination tobacco boxes, 18th century, comprising: a circular box...
Estimate: £150 - £250
LOT 45
A Folk Art polychrome decorated plaster relief, first half 19th century, depicting a...
Estimate: £400 - £600
LOT 46
A German cork relief picture of the boathouse rowing club Hamburg, late 19th century, in...
Estimate: £50 - £80
LOT 47
An Anglo-Dutch polychrome decorated wood hobby cart handle, late 17th/early 18th century,...
Estimate: £300 - £500
LOT 48
A painted pine Folk Art group of three owls, late 19th/early 20th century, on a...
Estimate: £100 - £150
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