Marie Ma

Marie Ma

Administrator, Sale Co-Ordinator & Junior Cataloguer | Chinese, Japanese & South East Asian Art

As an active member of the Oriental Ceramic Society, Marie has achieved distinction for both her MA of History of Art at University College London, and Chinese Art postgraduate diploma course at SOAS. Marie did an internship in China National Tea Museum, volunteered at the British Museum and worked as an assistant curator at Hangzhou Southern Song Imperial Kiln Museum. Before she joined Roseberys, she worked for a London-based auction house specializing in Asian Art for a year, and is a founding member of the Asian art community Art Spectra. She speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese and English,  and has studied French and Japanese for 1 year. Alongside her passion for art, she is also a published poet and a fan of Chinese tea.

麻利 – 行政,業務專員及初級編錄員 | 中國,日本及東南亞藝術

作為東方陶瓷學會的活躍成員,麻利在倫敦大學學院獲得藝術史一等碩士學位,並在倫敦亞非學院獲得中國藝術一等文憑。她曾在中國茶葉博物館及大英博物館實習,在杭州南宋官窯博物館擔任策展人助理。在加入羅斯伯裡拍賣行 之前,她曾在倫敦一家專門從事亞洲藝術的拍賣行工作了一年,並且是亞洲藝術社區 Art Spectra 的創始成員之一。她能說流利的普通話和英語,並學習了一年的法語和日語。除了對藝術的熱情,她還是一位出版過的詩人和中國茶葉的愛好者。

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