The Roseberys Prints & Multiples auction on the 5th of September presented remarkable prints by some of the art world’s greatest names from the past 100 years. Some of the artists included were Andy Warhol, Banksy, Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin, David Hockney, L.S. Lowry, and Bob Dylan. Andy Warhol’s ‘Kiku’ printed in fabulous colours, achieved the highest price on the day, realising an impressive £31,200.


Lot 148: Andy Warhol, Kiku, 1983


Other highlights include a vibrant Train tracks screenprint by Bob Dylan, which fetched £20,800; another piece by Warhol entitled ‘Tattooed Woman Holding a Rose’ (Lot 151) a subtly printed work from the 1950’s, sold for £22,100, and an intriguing work by Yoshitomo Nara ‘In the Cloud(Lot 522) in pale colours, which realised £23,400.


Lot 195: Bob Dylan, Train Tracks, 2019

Ed Plackett, Head of Sale, commented: ‘This auction shows that demand is there for top names such as Warhol, Nara and Dylan especially, if the works are commercial and in good condition and priced correctly. Warhol prints in particular seem to be blue chip investments currently, with strong bidding from the early 50’s print Tattooed Woman, which was an early sort of business card for Warhol, including as it did his address and telephone number, right through to the 80’s ‘Kiku’ print. Interest extended throughout the Warhol print selection. In demand also are prints by Yoshitomo Nara especially prints such as ‘In the cloud’ from 2003. I think the pastel colours and the simply drawn ironical image appeals to lots of clients. Also doing well are Takashi Murakami prints, whose bright colours and wonderful designs make them ever collectible and a firm staple of our auctions. Bob Dylans prints are also proving popular, perhaps with clients who are devotees of his music, with their bold colours and drawn lines. Aside from these four artists discussed, David Hockney’s prints are popular as ever as are Howard Hodgkin’s and the former YBA’s Tracey Emin and Damien Hirst. The beauty of the print sales is that generally there is something for collectors of all tastes and budgets'.


Lot 151: Andy Warhol, Tattooed Woman Holding a Rose, circa 1955


Other highlights of the auction:

Lot 146: Andy Warhol, Oyster Stew from Campbell's Soup II. Price Realised: £32,500
Lot 538: Banksy, Riot Van, 2015. Price Realised: £14,300
Lot 557: Invader, Rubik Albino, 2005. Price Realised: £7,150
Lot 526: Banksy, Laugh Now, 2003. Price realised: £20,800*