Friday 25 October 2024 | Lots:
Live Auctions
Antiquities, Islamic and Indian Arts
Friday 25 October 2024 10:00
Roseberys' October 25th Antiquities, Islamic & Indian Arts sale presents to the market an outstanding array of works from private collections, including high calibre antiquities from the collections of Michael Barrington and Philip Hewat-Jaboor. The sale also features further calligraphies from the collection of Qajar official 'Abd al-Wahhab Khan, Nizam ul-Mulk. The modern and contemporary section is the department's largest to date with over 100 works, featuring painting by F.N. Souza and K.C.S Paniker.
Cromwell Place, 4 Cromwell Place, London, SW7 2JE
Thursday 17 October: 12pm - 5pm
Friday 18 October: 10am - 4pm
RSVP to attend and request specific lots:
Saturday 19 October: 10am - 2pm
Sunday 20 October: 10am - 2pm
Monday 21 October: 9.30am - 5pm
Tuesday 22 October: 9.30am - 5pm
Wednesday 23 October: 9.30am - 5pm
Thursday 24 October: 9.30am - 5pm

Highlight Lots
LOT 378
K.C.S. Paniker (Indian, 1911-1977), Untitled, oil on board, signed lower left and dated '56,...
Estimate: £1,000 - £1,500
Price Realised: £78,240
LOT 82
A Roman Rosso Antico labrum base,circa 2nd Century A.D., of fluted columnar form, flaring to the...
Estimate: £3,000 - £5,000
Price Realised: £34,040
LOT 396
Francis Newton Souza, Indian 1924-2002, Untitled, Head; Signed and dated "Souza 87" (upper...
Estimate: £20,000 - £25,000
Price Realised: £31,440
LOT 64
A Roman marble column, circa 1st Century A.D., with scrolling vine relief decoration and...
Estimate: £10,000 - £15,000
Price Realised: £31,440
LOT 74
A large rectangular Roman marble funerary inscription from a columbarum,circa 1st Century...
Estimate: £2,000 - £3,000
Price Realised: Unsold Lot
An Impasto ware grey-brown burnished shallow straight-sided dish on a stemmed foot and Three...
Estimate: £800 - £1,200
A group of European Palaeolithic and Neolithic stone tools and implements, including a polished...
Estimate: £200 - £400
Four Roman hollow bronze feet, 1st-2nd century A.D. from a casket or stand, each moulded with...
Estimate: £500 - £700
A small Canosan pottery tre-foil lipped oinochoe, circa 3rd century B.C. the body with engraved...
Estimate: £200 - £300
Two cuneiform clay tablets,Ur III, circa 2100-2000 B.C. both accounting documents with standard...
Estimate: £200 - £400
Six restrung bead necklaces,circa 3,000-2,000 B.C. composed of Sumerian black and red steatite...
Estimate: £300 - £500
An Etruscan Bucchero ware shallow bowl, 7th-6th century B.C., set on a flared foot, inscribed...
Estimate: £100 - £150
A Greek bronze bull, circa 5th century B.C., 7cm long, 3.2cm high; an Etruscan bronze figure of...
Estimate: £500 - £700
A small Roman limestone stele, circa 2nd century A.D. crudely carved with a standing draped...
Estimate: £300 - £400
LOT 10
A large Etruscan terracotta bowl with animal friezes, circa 6th century B.C., set on a raised...
Estimate: £1,200 - £1,500
LOT 11
A large Daunian buff pottery storage jar Olla, circa 5th century B.C., with two looped and two...
Estimate: £200 - £400
LOT 12
A large South Italian Thymiaterion, late 4th century B.C., with flared base and lip, the stem...
Estimate: £300 - £500
LOT 13
Three Daunian terracotta vessels, circa 5th-4th century B.C., comprising two dippers, one with a...
Estimate: £500 - £700
LOT 14
Three pottery vessels, including a Greek pottery skyphos, circa 5th Century B.C., 7.5cm high17cm...
Estimate: £200 - £400
LOT 15
A buff pottery vessel and a Yortan black pottery vessel, late 2nd Millenium B.C. and 1st...
Estimate: £500 - £700
LOT 16
A group of bronze anklets and bracelets, Comprising a heavy bronze ‘anklet’, of circular...
Estimate: £400 - £600
LOT 17
A miscellaneous group of artefacts, including a Roman glass unguentarium, circa 2nd Century...
Estimate: £400 - £600
LOT 18
A miscellaneous group of artefacts, including a cream stone carved bird, 11.5cm long; a silver...
Estimate: £500 - £700
LOT 19
Two Anglo-Saxon pottery urns, 5th-6th century A.D., of bulbous form, 20.5cm and 17.5cm...
Estimate: £300 - £500
LOT 20
A Medieval shaft-hole spearhead, 10th-15th century a lead export attached, stamped: ‘CM’, 49.5cm...
Estimate: £200 - £300
LOT 21
An alabaster convex oval lid, the surface carved with a central slender waterbird in flight,...
Estimate: £200 - £300
LOT 22
An Etruscan bronze strainer,circa 6th-5th century B.C. the handle terminating in a duck's head...
Estimate: £500 - £700
LOT 23
An Etruscan bronze double spectacle ornament,7th-6th century B.C. Mounted on perspex, 10.2 x...
Estimate: £200 - £300
LOT 24
A group of pottery, comprising a Villanovan pottery kantharos on a stemmed foot with shallow...
Estimate: £200 - £300
LOT 25
An Iranian reddish buff pottery bowl,circa 5th-4th Millennium B.C., the straight sides tapering...
Estimate: £200 - £300
LOT 26
A terracotta fragmentary slab, Early Christian, possibly Coptic With cream slip, decorated with...
Estimate: £200 - £300
LOT 27
A Roman pottery colour-coated ware beaker with dimpled sides, circa A.D. 200 with an old ink...
Estimate: £200 - £300
LOT 28
A group of ancient pottery, including a Cypriot Middle Bronze Age dipper cup with hemispherical...
Estimate: £400 - £600
LOT 29
An Etruscan bronze figure of nude Heraklescirca 3rd Century B.C. His neatly combed hair swept...
Estimate: £1,000 - £1,500
LOT 30
An Etruscan female terracotta votive headcirca 4th-3rd century B.C. her hair dressed in a...
Estimate: £800 - £1,200
LOT 31
A bronze handle or attachment in the form of a nude female Near East, circa 2nd Millenium...
Estimate: £300 - £400
LOT 32
A late Etruscan bronze female votary, circa 3rd century B.C., Wearing an ankle-length himation...
Estimate: £1,000 - £1,500
LOT 33
An Etruscan bronze figure of nude Heraklescirca 4th-3rd Century B.C. wearing a lion pelt over...
Estimate: £1,000 - £1,500
LOT 34
An Apulian Messapian pottery olla, circa 6th-5th Century B.C the geometric decoration...
Estimate: £800 - £1,200
LOT 35
A South Italian Gnathia ware pelikecirca 4th century B.C. the neck decorated on both sides in...
Estimate: £600 - £800
LOT 36
An Attic black figure Siana cup,circa 575-525 B.C., each side decorated with a central swan...
Estimate: £1,200 - £1,500
LOT 37
A large Corinthian trefoil-lipped oinochoeLate 7th – early 6th Century B.C. with an animal...
Estimate: £5,000 - £7,000
LOT 38
An Impasto Ware red slip pottery ollacirca 7th-6th Century B.C. with everted rim and splayed...
Estimate: £400 - £600
LOT 39
A large Corinthian pottery skyphosearly 6th century B.C.decorated with a frieze of animals...
Estimate: £800 - £1,200
LOT 40
An Italo-Corinthian trefoil-lipped oinochoe,circa 6th Century B.C. a central frieze of four...
Estimate: £2,000 - £3,000
LOT 41
A Faliscan pottery rimmed stemmed dishcirca 4th century B.C. decorated with the profile head of...
Estimate: £800 - £1,200
LOT 42
A Laconian black figure pottery kylix, attributed to the Allard Pierson painter, circa 530...
Estimate: £3,000 - £4,000
LOT 43
An Attic black figure Lekythoslate 6th-early 5th Century B.C. decorated with a horseman with...
Estimate: £1,000 - £1,500
LOT 44
An Attic red figure Pelike with Dipinto, circa 475-425 B.C., side (a) depicts a youth facing...
Estimate: £3,000 - £5,000
LOT 45
An Etruscan bronze figure of a warriorcirca 5th century B.C. Wearing a high crested helmet...
Estimate: £5,000 - £7,000
LOT 46
An Etruscan bronze head of a griffin, circa 4th century B.C., With open beak and long,...
Estimate: £2,000 - £3,000
LOT 47
A late Etruscan bronze figure of Herakles, circa 3rd-4th century B.C., depicted as a youth and...
Estimate: £10,000 - £15,000
LOT 48
A Roman bronze vessel handle circa 1st-3rd Century A.D with palmette shaped lower attachment...
Estimate: £400 - £600
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